Marcia gay harden love you to death true story

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'Lifetime's Taking On The Gypsy Rose & Dee Dee Blanchard Story In Its New Movie'. Love You To Death first aired on the Lifetime channel on January 26, 2019. While filming Skeggs spent about two and a half hours each day getting the bald cap applied to her head while Harden had to wear body padding for portions of the movie.

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Harden was not aware of Blanchard's murder and had not heard of Munchausen's by proxy, whereas her co-star Emily Skeggs was familiar with both as she was a fan of true crime. Harden was brought on to portray the character of Camile, who is based on Dee Dee Blanchard. Skeggs had to wear a bald cap in most of the scenes where Esme was hairless Their relationship turns fatal when Camile is found to have been stabbed to death and Esme is missing. ( February 2019)Ĭamile Stoller (Marcia Gay Harden) is the mother of a sickly girl named Esme (Emily Skeggs). This article needs an improved plot summary.

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